Friday 6 November 2015

The Other Side - Developmental Stages: Storyboarding

Now comes the second part of the developmental process: the storyboard. It is the stage where one articulates their ideas in a more visual and meticulous manner: by drawing the story's most important still images. This is done with the soul purpose of giving an optical perspective of the future animation to the audience, but also to yourself as a reference. I drew the storyboards with the hopes that they are coherent and explanatory in terms of action, movement, and tone. Moreover, with adding arrows in the panels that guide the movement of the character or shot, I've added another level of organization, which is a useful storytelling skill I've acquired throughout this course. Thus, I chose two of the initial ideas I had and made two storyboards in total: one for the Concept of Suicide, and the other for the Concept of Wonder. By drawing two of the ideas I liked the most, I have now plundered into a difficult choice on which story to animate, what a quandary... One's existential, the other whimsical. One's depressing, the other uplifting. One tackles suicide's coping promise, the other a confusing turn of colorful events. I'll have to choose. Furthermore, in the storyboards general appearances of the characters of both animations are presented, as I shall now enter the realm of individual character and background design.

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