Tuesday 3 November 2015

Animation Project: Theme of Surprise Production Development and Finished Work

Now comes the production and post-production stage, where all the animating and movement is done prior to the main compiling of
The magazines I used
the final project's resolution. The initial stage of production is setting up the equipment properly. I did my animation in one of the stop-motion studios in Leeds College of Art, which had already been supplied with a light-box, as well as pitch-black walls (which are to minimalize light-flicker in animations due to their absorption of bright light). The technique in which I did the animation was stop-motion with paper and magazine cut-outs serving as elements from which the main character and background scenery are created. All of the supplies I used came from various art and 3D design magazines, as I piled them together using stick-glue and tape. Furthermore, this was my first attempt at a cutting stop-motion (although I've done traditional stop-motion animation for years), and I'd say a successful one at that, for I had achieved my succinct motive: creating an animation in the Pythonesque style of Terry Gilliam, just without all the medieval tropes. Once all of the animation was done, I had compiled everything in Cyberlink Power Director, including the sound effects which add atmosphere to the entire plot (not to mention the ambient). I'm very satisfied with my outcome, and believe that the documentation of every development process is fundamental for improving techniques in future endeavors, as well as allowing others to reflect critically upon your work. College, ahoy!
The studio in which I worked

"Unexpected" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAtotXpGxD4

Still image from this project

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