Saturday 28 November 2015

Set, Series, Sequence: Ink-Pen Graphic Style Development

Attempting to eliminate the profuse use of over-lapping lines, I approached the next drawings differently. I first drew the outline of the picture with pencil, erasing any mistakes easily as I only drew the lines lightly. Once the general contours were drawn, I went over them with a 0.1 drawliner only once. Prior to this, I had always drawn my characters/backgrounds with the initial swipe of the ink pen, completely forgetting that ctrl + Z doesn't work in real life. Nevertheless, pencils used to be my main drawing/sketching tools, not drawliners. Taking this into consideration, I now shifted their use for outlining purposes, as to avoid unnecessary over-lapping. Plus, with the dark embrace of the lines, I used different thick lines for different situations, thin ones being for inner details, while thick ones for the outline. Along with this, as I have not used color much in my previous sketchbook drawings throughout the years, I colored parts of the drawings (those which draw detail) with coloring pencils as they do not cover the ink. Practicing with this technique I will gradually develop a style along the lines of graphic cartoon-realism, with the thickness of the lines complementing the figures.

Penciled outline visualized drawing of the insult "Broccoli Brains"

Finished version of "Broccoli Brains"

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