Friday 6 November 2015

Animation Project: Storyboard

We were instructed to create a storyboard which was to present a nursery rhyme, however, with our own twist to the plot. I did "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider" and gave it an existentially-nihilistic warp. I intertwined the plot of "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider" with the myth of Sisyphus, who is cursed to push a rock up a hill for all eternity, embracing monotony and the misery of routine. By using the colors black and red, along with a sharp contour style of drawing, I was able to exhibit a more obscure and bleak representation of The Myth of Sisyphus by using the Itsy-Bitsy Spider as a symbol to produce an allegory. Furthermore, as the final and conclusive exercise of this project, every student was obliged to look at some of their peers' work and supply them with constructive criticism. For my storyboard, I got short, but concise responses which signify the responses I elicited; the kind that I wanted to see.

"Great commentary"
"I like the use of selective colouring!"
"I love your style and philosophical approach!"
"This shot (9th) is awesome!"
"Moody and abstract, textured and atmospheric, effective use of color, however, very scary."

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