Thursday 26 November 2015

The Other Side - Developmental Stages: Critical Session and Animatic

While development unfolds, it's more than important to receive constructive criticism from peers, fellow practitioners, and even people who have nothing to do with animation. All these diverse opinions can reflect on your projects and improve them for the better, because no one is able to keep an eye out for every single detail on their own work (plus, some of the egoistical biases might distort the views of one's own work). Thus, as a part of this module we were expected to present all of the work we had created so far to the class and our proctor as to receive some feedback. A thoughtful part of this module, the crit session allowed me to cascade my style of animation, techniques of development, and animation of my project to my fellow credible peers, as well as to receive a professional tutorial record. Overall, I loved the session. I was given compliments on my structured approach, but also was informed that being too pragmatic can be limiting when it comes to the creative process. I fully agree: sometimes I just stick with the ideas that come the moment a light-bulb flashes over my head. I was given lovely advice on incorporating elements of the initial ideas I had within the current one, as every little idea has a certain amount of gold in it. When it comes to character development, although there is only one, was perceived as good due to the depth I went into while designing the character with different styles. The animatic I had produced was credited as being clear with a good story, which for me is the most important factor of my future animation: entertainment and keeping the audience's attention. Most important of all, I saw everybody's whimsical and vibrant ideas, which is what I found most helpful at the session - observation! Wonderful progression!

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