Monday 14 March 2016

Interior Drawing: Fenton - The Dart Room

As the final drawing, I decided to make a one point perspective drawing solely because of the darts on the wall. Along with the bar drawings, this one could finalize the jazziness and liveliness that I wished to represent in my designs, suitable as multiple interconnecting backgrounds for an animation (possible an actual one in the future). For sake of simplicity, I drew this drawing in the classic pencil-watercolor-sharpie technique which gives me an opportunity to focus on smooth movements with brush to add essence to the contour lines which are to be drawn afterwards. The perspective of the drawing allows it to be used as either a general shot that when filled with characters introduces the tone of the bar, or a focal point background where two characters in the foreground place their eyes on the darts, consequently blurring out the surroundings. The color of the drawing is mainly warm, whereas the cold contrasts are either darkened (like the green) or desaturated, making the blend more subtle whilst creating a "wooden" feel as if the bars walls simulate those of olden times (same goes for the texture). With all this taken into consideration, I believe that the background's story focuses on the darts as if they are the connecting point of the story. For example, if two characters were to approach the darts, considering whether they should play, this would be the introductory background of that action, followed by side shots while they are playing darts. Because of the absence of light, this background can be manipulated with post-production lighting effects which would place an emphasis on an object/element wherever the light is exposed.

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