Friday 4 March 2016

Exterior Drawing: Central Village - Referential Photography

Although for this space I was pretty certain of which perspectives I was going to draw, I took photos just so that I have an additional reference along with my initial sketches. One thing I noticed was that neither of my drawings did not match the space layout of the photographs, although I took them from the same position and location at which I drew. I believe that if I were to capture them precisely I would have to measure the pictures and discard sketching by the eye altogether. Safe to say, all of my drawings resemble Central Village's contours, and although the color schematic and background elements are completely contrasted, several peers and friends I asked "which space in Leeds is this?" answered with Central Village. The pictures, I believe, were the most efficient references when it came to precise geometrical drawing of the skeleton, and because I was so skeptical of making a "fatal" mistake during the watercoloring, I printed them out on paper as a mean to start over. Only the first one (the frontal perspective of the main entrance) did I redo, needless to say, that it was the very first drawing I did with that technique.

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