Thursday 3 March 2016

Exterior Drawing: Central Village - Stairs and Two-Point Perspective

Following the previous drawings, I noticed that I did not draw structures posed from a lower and a two-point perspective. Since the space is ascendingly high, based on the sketch of the very first frame that captured my eye when I got there to sketch, I drew the two main buildings that reach the skies, more or less. In the same style, I thought that this drawing would be the most bottom perspective out of them all, and the first thing I associated it with was a view which places an emphasis on the sun or something occurring in the skies. Initially, it reminded me of Insomnium's "Shadows Of The Dying Sun" cover where a black spherical star is in the center, and such an animated feat can be placed in the middle of the drawing, covering the skies in darkness (compatible with my previous nightmarish backgrounds of the same space). Furthermore, the shading on the windows (done with ink + color on a brush) as well as the vertical cracks on the buildings would increase as the sun would darken more and more, covering the skies. As for the furthest background, I wanted the texture of the sky to mimic Leeds' on a gloomy day, which proned me to use such devoid colors.

My second drawing was from a lower perspective, but one that a small creature would have from encountering a small set of stairs. The 3D illusion is pulled off in this one by the two-point perspective building behind that I've done quite geometrically, despite the thick lines. The windows and small inner details are done with rampant strokes of 0.5 and 0.7 fineliners, whereas all the thicker lines are with a metal wire and small brush covered in ink (same done with the previous one). The depth would be put into an animation the moment a character interacts with the space, where his/her body would be covered by the stairs as he/she moves forward and follows the road after the stairs.

Initial sketches

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