Tuesday 15 March 2016

Flow, Form, and Force - Push It

Part 3 of the final Visual Language study task - Push It. With this task we are expected to immortalize a form on paper by capturing the essence of a real life figure whilst applying exaggeration to an extent to evoke a persuasive shape that signals a person pushing or pulling an object. As I've probably mentioned before, I am not good at life drawing and have rarely practiced this technique, thus, I am rusty on drawing humanoid figures that exhibit proper proportions - something I plan to fix in due time as this study task had broken the ice of life drawing. All in all, I believe that I captured the main essence of the poses, however, had not "nailed" them mainly because of leg to torso comparative proportions. For example, in the third drawing (labeled "Vlad III") the body is inconsistent with the legs as I started drawing the torso first, following with the legs, all with direct quick ink brush movements. I was not focusing on the faces of my models, thus did not spend that much time capturing the details (since the poses were timed, each 6 minutes). Overall, I dub these drawings successful (I'm mostly satisfied with "Vlad IV" since both the face and the baggy clothes resemble the style of the model, Ollie Ward), however, I will need to work on effective relative size especially when it comes to legs. I also learned that with quick and simple swipes, a persuasive essence of realism can be portrayed, whereas the after details solidify the appearance, but alas, the poses were way to quick to focus on that.

Model - Dan

Model - Ollie

Model - Stacy

Model - Brenda

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