Monday 4 January 2016

The Other Side - Developmental Stages: Animation of Elements #2

Frames of Dragon
My animation intertwines still keyframes along with animated movie clips that further rely on layout, and considering this, I had to both animate individual non-repetitive frames that have a stable layout and looped movements that required a sense of good layout for perfect execution. One of the main elements of my animation (other than the character, of course) is the dragon, which displays repetitive movement - gliding through the air. The mouth and teeth of the dragon are the only part of the dragon which were not re-drawn every frame, they were just altered with contour distortion, whereas the eyes, tail, colors, and lines were all re-drawn frame by frame (6 frames in total). As for variation of colors, I used two shades of every color (except white for the eyes) in order to design the dragon, due to the depth they add as they mimic shadows. On another note, background elements such as the background rockets are not re-drawn frame by frame to preserve dynamics because they are not placed in the focal point for the details to matter. That's why I drew them once, based on the sketches and concept designs, and re-drew the exhaust flames.

As for individual keyframes, there is one close-up scene of my character where I deliberately focused on his facial details for the sake of variation and flexibility of action. Or, in other words, so it is not boring (because all scenes are from a side-scrolling, profile perspective).

Rocket - Individual Frames

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