Friday 8 January 2016

The Other Side - Developmental Stages: The Ketchup Construct

One of the biggest elements in my animation (other than the character, of course) is the Ketchup Construct. As mentioned before, I based the element on the eclectic and "assembling" style of Terry Gilliam, pulling a myriad of images and compiling them together in order to create a mobile and flexible digital animatronic. The only difference is that this one is virtual, whereas Terry Gilliam's "puppets" were not. With the possibility of Adobe Flash to create separate looped and animated movie clips, I combined drawn animation along with the images used to add a level of complexity to the Ketchup Construct. The animated element consists of several parts: one Heinz Ketchup bottle, two cogs, one exhaust pipe, one metal pole, one punching glove, one generator, and one conductor wire. With the bottle being the base, the cogs animated using tweens to spin in a circular motion, and the pole and punching glove to serve as the projectile that hits the character, the generator and pipe have drawn animation to them: electricity passing through the generator and steam getting released through the pipe. Another inspiration that proned me to create such an assemblage is the epoch of art Dadaism, which signified the use of pieces in order to make an aesthetic whole, both beautiful and confusing.

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