Monday 15 February 2016

Exterior Drawing: Leeds Town Hall - Side Entrance

Intial sketch
As my final drawing I chose to do the entrance in between the pillars. In connection with the perspective drawing of the two pillars from 2/3rds, I considered drawing this one to add along to the story of context where an assailant is hiding throughout the exterior space of Leeds Town Hall. Drawn in the same manner as the rest of my drawings for this space (pencil, then outlined with a drawliner, then watercolor), I wanted to see whether I can replicate the altered design of the pillar lamps as well as the walls from a different perspective, ergo to see whether I can sustain consistency in improvising drawings. For example, the lamp stools are not as I saw them, but instead, used the original as reference so that I may modify them in my own style - same goes for the iron bar gate, where the patterns are not as I saw them, but rather only the geometry is. The loose sketch I did did not have the background pillars and window above the entrance sign, hence I just wanted to capture the precision of the front, whereas the background can be malleable to my own style and design. Personally, I believe that these sequential background drawings altogether helped me in practicing consistency in drawing structures, as I still have many more to accomplish, however, in a different style and with a different technique so that the tone and atmosphere may be substantially changed.

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