Saturday 25 March 2017

Responsive: Collaborative Practice - Meeting The Deadline

The collaborative project is finished. We have successfully met the deadline of the YCN Orchard Pig brief. For the final boards, having our graphic designer Alex's skill in layout, we assembled the boards in a way that it reflects the website of Orchard Pig. Considering that all the designs called for this final synthesis of the application, we wanted it to be just an extension of their already well-designed website instead of something revolutionary. Every asset that I had made for the application was altered in some way so that it may fit the layout perfectly. For example, when we took a look at the size of the boards I realized that some of the graphics for the buttons I made were far too detailed to be identified on-screen when shrunk to their respective size, which is why we removed the pig beneath the question mark for the "Info" button. The only asset that remained unchanged was the maps for the application which remained as simple as they were made. Unfortunately, Tom ran into several problems during the texturing process of the cider tap, which left us using the sketches instead. Although I am aware of the potential and limitations of the 3D medium, I believe that Tom could have found a way around the 3D model where the boards lack a bit of contextual consistency. Overall, I had a fun time doing this project since it gave me thorough insight into commercial work of product design, as well as an interdisciplinary practice of collaboration. Another thing I learned was that people tend to have whole different working schedules that interfere with my personal one, so compromising is one of the most important skills a collaborator can acquire. I need to boost morale in a project next time for at times all of us were stagnating a bit with our work, since without morale no intrinsic motivation can form which is one of the most important driving forces of artists.

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