Sunday 12 March 2017

Responsive: Collaborative Practice - Crit Session

The crit session proved to be quite constructive as it allowed fellow interdisciplinary peers to give each other advice, as I did to others, as they did to us. Nevertheless, the feedback that we got was positive and thorough, as they gave us brief drinking game suggestions that Alex and Tom built upon for the final mock-up. Unfortunately, there wasn't much criticism for my end of the work other than the possibility of production costs outweighing if the box is made from rope. However, I do believe that it is the necessary aesthetic for the countryside vibe, even more so, I asked one of my father's friends that works in container production about this dilemma. He gave me insight on the fact that it does not cost significantly more to replace a cardboard holder with a rope as long as it is for massive production where arithmetically the price of the rope will surpass the excess cardboard due to the lesser price on macrobuy (in bulk). For now, post-crit, I have redesigned the Games logo so that it would reflect the social aspect of games, not the virtual one as the joystick might connote. This decision was instilled by the crit, but rectified by my partners' feedback on my designs.

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