Friday 10 March 2017

Responsive: Collaborative Practice - Final 6 Pack and Pig Hoof Pint Glass

With Alex having his designs finished, I applied the UV map onto the box with it successfully turning out. Furthermore, I used a royalty-free online wooden board texture for the insides and the bottom of the box as they don't require any design in particular to get that country-side vibe we have felt that Orchard Pig are going for. Tom showed me how to make high resolution renders for the final export for presentation with the skydome lighting and Arnold in contrast with my badly renders for the pre-finished mesh boards. In order for the product to be conceptualized properly, I had to play around with the texture of the bottles and how they reflect the lighting along with several tests of the intensity of the skydome light itself. As for the pig hoof pint glass, it took me quite a while to find a good material for the mesh of the glass so that it can render out the shape properly. I tried looking at online tutorials on how to simulate glass, however, was unable to execute them due to a range of problems. After all, the shape and presentation of the design is my priority and I believe it is something I achieved with the AiUtility shader, where I put the logo on afterwards so to have a general perspective of how it would look. Overall, I am extremely happy with these designs and I believe that they relay the point of sale aspect of the brief. However, I am still open to tweaking anything based on my partners' feedback.

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