Friday 10 March 2017

Responsive: Collaborative Practice - Application Idea and Synthesis

We felt that each individual effort had no point of unity, and thus, decided to circle it all together with one final merging piece of the project. Initially, I was thinking of a brief animation to satisfy the point of sale parameter of the brief, however, Alex thought of a brilliant idea, indirectly taking the non-hierarchical role of art director of this final endeavor: a mock-up application that will both use our designs and introduce new perspectives to loyal customers. The main points of the application were: navigation through GPS to show where the nearest Orchard Pig pubs or points of sale are, a point-award system for loyal customers, and a list of socializing drinking games. With this in mind, all three of us sat down in one session to outline the parameter of this application idea and structure it in a functional way: how it's gonna work, how its layout is going to be roughly, and to divide the workflow evenly based on our skills. As we discussed, I took the role of doing the Map section's content, the graphics for the buttons, and the text for the explanation of every section within the application, where Tom shall do the Milestone (point system) section's content and load-up screen, with Alex rounding everything together with layout. Furthermore, we wanted to preserve and retain Orchard Pig's already powerful design and style based on their website so that there is a consistency between the brand and its points of promotion. Even more so, we discussed the time remaining and decided to pick up the pace, with me already having the graphic buttons finished with the Map's content section coming next. Once the mock-up conceptualization of the application is finished, we will organize together everything in a Pitch Bible-style board for presentation to both the live brief and the module.
Initial notes

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