Sunday 19 March 2017

Applied Animation 2 - Week 7

This week consisted of planning out in foresight what we are to do over the Easter, as well as designing the animatic. Coming to that we first briefly looked over the Gantt chart to roughly deduce what needs to be done before Easter, during, and after, where we booked the recording studio for the 21st of March to do the draft version of the narration. Once deciding on the layout of the animatic, we divided the panels each of us are to do based on the storyboard - it has 6x6 panels, making each of us make the animatic frames for 18 panels in total. Every movement that needs to be emphasized shall be annotated with arrows when we will compile the final piece, which would be next week where most of our time shall be devoted to Applied Animation - Responsive modules finish up. With half of the frames already done for the animatic, we've produced work faster than expected which might give us more time to focus on the cosmetics of the animatic so that it is much more understandable and easy to follow. I feel that during our presentation we did not delve much into the story as the storyboards were presented but not covered properly with context.

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