Sunday 5 March 2017

Applied Animation 2 - Week 5

Yet another structuring pre-production week before the serious animating stage kicks in. This week I solely placed an emphasis on the development of my character after I picked out which one I'd like the most - a decision made with my partner's assistance. Nevertheless, once I picked my character I started doing color schemes to have a general overview of how the colors would interact and whether they'd be complementary, too tense or not, or saturated enough. For this I used the traditional drawing I made of the character, and once I experimented a bit with one of the patterns digitally I started drawing my character in poses to practice digitally drawing him. Since never before have I used roughs in 2D animation, this was a perfect time to practice since my character is not something I can draw straight away consistently. I found out how difficult it is to retain consistency once you are set on one character since everything previously was just different renditions of a singular character. After several tries and changes while redrawing him, I insisted on removing the headband and placing the signature eye as a badge on his lab coat since it simplified the drawing process when compared to an animation standard - doing the headband also made me lose a sense proportion on his head lump. Furthermore, I removed the ear antennas (unnecessary since his dome is flopping) and made his head more of a rasta's dreadlock hat form with significant overlapping, which also made him more in depth. I don't believe I'm going to name this character since he's one of may, but I decided on calling them Zappians due to their loyalty and submission to the god Zap. I feel that we may have drifted a bit away from the main course, however, whenever I remember the script and the researched analytical but visual presentation of the topic I feel it is quite necessary to add a bit of character comic relief since it gives the audience a bigger interest and appeal to watch it and learn. I want to call it being interactively didactic since it is to retain your attention with entertainment. I'd say a rather productive week considering I've been doing 2 other modules simultaneously whereas my artwork and practice shall kick off for this module in full blast once my Responsive module ends which is quite soon.

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