Sunday 19 March 2017

Responsive: Collaborative Practice - Finalization and New Graphics

As we are reaching the end of our collaborative brief, my assignment was to finish up some more graphic designs of the buttons within the OrchApp. As we felt that the initial and second version of the game logo I designed to be inconsistent with the vibe, I set out to create another final version that is both simple and authentic. I figured that one good way to execute this is to synthesize classics with countryside games, and seeing how the games within the app mainly rely on a brush of luck, I used two symbols of luck from those two different concepts - a roulette token and the horseshoe I already had made. Tweaking the logo a bit, I found that simplicity would suffice much better since it gets the message across sturdily. Having this finished, for the "Story Time" game of the games section three graphics of random items were necessary to further explain the idea. Thus, we simply settled on a banana, a toilet, and shirt - completely random as the game suggests. Just simple graphics is all is needed for this section, monochromatic to match the buttons. This whole endeavor made me explore the parameters of Adobe Illustrator more as I haven't been using it enough, considering that any graphic design is needed of vectoring and image tracing to assure optimal quality. First everything in Photoshop rasterized and then traced in Illustrator. I have kept the .ai files as well for any such situation where I would need to export them as something other than .pngs.

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