Tuesday 31 January 2017

Applied Animation 2 - Briefing and Presentation

Thus, we begin with a new module; one that expands the horizons of what a challenge can connote. I've never quite watched plenty of documentaries, or so I thought, until the different types of documentaries were explained and defined in the latter-part presentation. Furthermore, I had this idealistic conception of what a documentary was which pronged me to instill a bit of skepticism as to WHAT my animation would be. However, once the boundaries were cleared and I got to experience the versatility of animated documentaries already in existence, that tension immediately went away, leaving me with a keen and profound spark of motivation that I am quite sure will guide me throughout this college endeavor. Given the fact that we are to collaborate and work in teams, I instinctively considered the maximum - 3 people in a group - hence I want to get an even stronger feel of how work ethics and workflow blend within the synthesis of creative individuals. Alongside this, seeing as I already collaborated with one peer before, I'd like to see how it is like to work with two, whereas Responsive would give me the opportunity to investigate the same venture with 3 people - all in a perfect balance. Nonetheless, the themes that were given to us served as a foundation to how I am to shape and annotate my thoughts and down which creative way to walk, giving me the structure that I require to work without stress. I believe that by working with 2 other people and the module having strict consequential deadlines that prelude to the concluding one, we would have to create a schedule that equally distributes the work so that we synchronize our styles, work ethics, and time management preferences to simulate a professional environment. Turning on to the presentation, I've found that the distinct 6-fold division of documentary sub-niches will help me in brainstorming ideas once a team is formed and in how said ideas would fit with our individual preferences; maybe someone would want to make a performative documentary whereas someone else might be interested in an expository one. Overall, the most important part of the presentation was the immersion into what a documentary can be as well as the key points of what an animated documentary is and what it may connote to the audience that other types cannot.

Immersive visual style of documentation - "I Met the Walrus"

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