Monday 9 January 2017

Resonsive: Loop De Loop II - Cute - Brainstorming

I've began brainstorming as per every project where I conjure up ideas based on lightweight ideas dwindling in my head. Luck would have it that this time I not only considered concepts but also limitations, techniques, and references so that I may structure a good, planned out idea. First things that came to mind when "cute" started resonating in my head was fluff, animals, and Grimes - one of my favorite dreampop artists. Branching out, I started jotting down tangible concepts of characters that might be used as reference, however, the polar opposite came to mind in order to break the formality: a twist on cute. If I am to do a twist on cute, it must be something grotesque and vile to combat the idiosyncrasy of cute - a transformation of a cute being into a monster. Thus, immediately I thought of the character premise of Gnar, a character from League of Legends, that I may use as reference when creating my own character. From that point on, a thought sparked in my head as to whether the animation is to be a gif image on loop or a video. I believe that a video animation would be a lot more presentable to both the college module submission and the competition hence I noticed that no gif image was in last month's showreel. Nevertheless, from fluff I thought of cotton which brought me immediately to stop-motion, which I was not initially going to plan on doing for this brief but realized the limitations that I place upon myself with that decision - it's all about how I feel in order to promote optimal motivation for the animation. With fluff I can do animals with cotton in stop-motion, making easier the thought of running into complications in terms of technique. Finally, with Grimes I thought of rotoscoping again and considered that this would go out of my comfort zone of tone in animation since it will be something drenched in vivid and fluorescent colors, I believe that I may branch out a bit with this since it will give me another opportunity to practice tracing and 2D. Furthermore, I must be considerate of the time left since soon it will be apprehended by the collaborative modules that I will pour most of my energy in, actively improving my time management, capability to cope with stressful situations, and openness to collaboration.

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