Wednesday 11 January 2017

Responsive: Loop De Loop II - Cute - Idea Formation and Choice

From the brainstorm cloud drawn before, I pulled out three assembled ideas:

1. Transformation
A cute creature stands idle for a while before getting food thrown in front of it. The creature proceeds to eat the foodstuff and due to its tainted nature transforms into a horrendous monster, only to be shot with a tranquilizer dart shortly after. The beast then falls asleep and as it is resting slowly transforms back to its original state, inadvertently assuming the same idle position once he wakes.

2. Grimes' Dance
This idea revolves solely around the aesthetic nature of animation - a tribute to Grimes. Grimes dances as an ethereal being (I shall make her appear as a fairy) as abstract animations circle in the background, forming a loop.

3. Rotating Cuteness
Three adorable creatures stand upon a winner's 3 podium. Number 2 attacks 1, forcing 3 to fall off and get on the second pedestal. The process continues as they rotate to fight for first place.

I find it very useful to jot down rough ideas of different natures and having to pick which one to furtherly develop and produce, hence this technique of mine. I carefully considered every idea I concocted and chose based on several factors: time, technique, versatility, motivation, interest, etc. Thus, I chose the second idea where Grimes dances. The first one although intriguing would require me to do stop-motion since that's the only vision I have of it, and given the myriad of other obligations I have I need to be much more static - I need the stop-mo studio only for that during the studio development week in wasting time walking to college. The third one is solely 2D which is what I did for the previous Loop de Loop - there will be only minimal facial expression just like in Breakfast. In addition to all of this, I find it extremely fulfilling to make a visual tribute to Grimes as her aesthetic style eccentrically stands out in terms of appearance, which is perfect for me to hyperbolize it. Furthermore, it will help me practice drawing female figures and assets since I am having quite a hard time drawing female characters.

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