Sunday 5 February 2017

Applied Animation 2 - Week 1

During this inchoate first week I have been doing nothing other than thinking alongside the "For Argument's Sake" presentation. I have teamed up with Luca Biasci for the time being, although we are quite insistent that we get one more person just to invigorate the experience, the practice, as well as the aesthetic style since I've already worked in a duo before. I considered all 4 of the themes firmly and have jotted down the most invigorating ideas personally I've had for each of them and am ready to present them to my partner(s) for a final brainstorming decision.

Sustainability: The sustainability of the ozone layers through transmuting energy methods from coal to both wind and solar power. Considering that the climate varies from region to region, those with a Mediterranean one tend to have more sun whereas those without (like Norway) have gusts of winds derived from the coastal seas

Science: The transhumanism of science's embrace - technology that will help humanity evolve into a more utopian realm. Alongside this, I'd like to inform the world of the new scientific practices that erase the bleak supposed future of humanity's decadence, one such being the compression of nuclear waste into long-life crystal batteries as well as the "sink-hole" mechanisms that filter garbage cast into the seas and oceans. Could be interlinked with sustainability.

History: The influence of philosophers upon history - in a nutshell. Inspired by the "In a Nutshell" Youtube series of informative, attention span-accustoming mini-documentaries by Kurzgesagt, the documentary would embrace the main concepts of philosophers and their impact upon the evolution of history and its unfortunate repentance

Politics: The inefficiency of radical politics - an insight through time to present. In this small documentary attempt we would belabor how radical politics have failed the entirety of egalitarianism throughout the ages, dating from WWI up to the current situation of Trump's victory as it has been statistically proven that many of potential Bernie Sanders voters have voted for Trump in fear of Clinton's "feudal" control of establishment. Backed up by statements by Slavoj Zizek.

Although these are the ideas I'd like to disseminate the most, I firmly believe in versatility in terms of perspective, which is why I'd like to hear out my partner(s)' ideas in order to reach a consensus of the project. After all, an open mind is the key to educational growth.

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