Tuesday 1 November 2016

Responsive - Initial Beginnings - Loop de Loop

Narrowing down the ideas I dished out on thumbnails whilst considering the parameters of time in responding to this brief, I made thumbnails of the first idea. However, I altered the idea a bit since the original was too jejune and required a bit of whimsicality. Thus, I went with the golden rule of threefolding events, having a slice of bacon, an egg, and a slice of tomato interact with the scene, all in unique manners. I figured I might as well challenge myself by making the animation a bit more complex in trying to meet the deadline, which will help me build a habit of working capability under timely restrictions. Nonetheless, I instantly plunged into making the background since it is going to remain static throughout the animation, and in giving that consideration I deduced that a rotoscoped contour trace animated background would go with the flimsiness of the animation. Flipping the negative exposure of the main image used for the background gave the color schematic a less tense appearance as the original was too white and, in a way, monochromatic. Setting all of this aside, I will do the animation through traditional digital techniques since I believe that the line boil of every consecutive shot would complement the "shaky-ness", so to say, the animation will deliver.

Original image

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