Sunday 6 November 2016

Responsive - Animation Production - Loop de Loop

With the background created, I plunged full-heartedly into production. I figured that Photoshop CC would be the best for this task hence I can use video layers to animate and then have them exported onto After Effects for layouts. This is a new technique that I've been using recently where I do every instance of an animation separately, cross-referencing them, and then piling them together where I am freely able to add motion effects and adjust the scale of said elements. Luckily, this came quite in handy given that both the bacon and the egg in my animation (which is what I've done so far, the tomato is missing) are too small within the window of the aspect ration, thus I'll adjust them once I'm done with them. Getting support from one of my proctors on the technicality of my animation, I was told that the background lines that follow the contours of the tiles seemed too inconsistent, which once I looked into that further found it to be true. Since then, I've adjusted the background frames so the lines maintain consistency without fragmenting the animation and carrying the focal point of the viewer away. Getting back to production, for the bacon I used one layer for the outline and the same one for coloring (with the magic brush) since every frame had been drawn/colored separately. However, with the egg I figured that a single drawing can be animated only in motion and scale so that I may retain the shape of the egg (given that it is radial, I would not be able to draw a perfect oval every single time with a drawing tablet). Thus, in order to solve this, for the egg I used several layers (about 40), all of which were bound together in one video group - it is not a video layer, but several frames merged into a group. Moreover, for the yolk and white I went on with the classic traditional technique where every frame has to be drawn separately in order to maintain the boil of the figure. So far, everything has been great with this responsive task and at this rate I am hoping to finish this in a week and move on to two more briefs of my choosing.

Stills of my animation with the path

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