Monday 4 April 2016

A Tale In The Sting: Generation of Idea and Storyboard

My interpretation of "Waiting for Godot" revolves around an anecdote (which will be the animated title sequence) that symbolically explains the nothingness that surrounds all of us, as we are waiting for something that does not exist. In other words, waiting is meaningless for what envelops us, our life, our situations, is all that there is - nothing beyond. However, I want to base the animated title sequence on both my interpretation and the aspect of supernaturality and omnipotence vested in beings that reside in our imagination that might be reality but we may never find out (inspired by the 3D vs 4D vs 5D etc... dimensional fluctuation of perceptions, how ones NEVER experience the world as the others do). With this in mind, a plethora of ideas rushed to my head, all just small notions (nothing like the previous module where I had 4 ideas all in all). In a follow-through fashion, I started writing down every scene that came to mind, and after a while, I compiled all of them together in one coherent story - the storyboard. With it, I structured the story, ready for an animatic and the animation. Nevertheless, since this is stop-motion intertwined with 2D post-animation, the design of the characters and of the background comes after the generation, when the set will be created.

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