Thursday 14 April 2016

A Tale In The Sting: Title Sequence Research

Considering the final touch upon the animation at a sooner stage, the title sequence is to be clarified by the introductory names of actors/producers/productions/editors. We've all seen plenty of title sequences, however, by not paying close attention we've failed to identify the subtle artistry behind the title names and how they are introduced to the audience. Furthermore, they are a substantial part of graphic design as well as animation, for different introduction to titles come with different effects: some just pop out, others fade in, while even others are elaborately animated - all conveying a different effect to the tone and atmosphere in a perfect symbiosis with the background mise-en-scene. Having said that, in order to get inspired, I got to look at several title sequences at the website The Art of the Title which is a brilliant site to galvanize animators into understanding and utilizing the conventions of title sequences. To be precise, I looked at two title sequences - the one from "Maggie" and "Snow White and The Huntsman" just to see the information that's projected during the title sequences as well as to see their layout and animation. Having analyzed olden title sequences as well - in particular, the one from "Casablanca" which is a simple cascading of names and positions - I created a general perspective of what I'm going to display after I finish animating, whereas I will consider the layout when the time comes.

Art of the Title - Sequences -

Casablanca Title Sequence -

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