Monday 14 December 2015

Set, Series, Sequence: Storyboard

Now came to create the final narrative for this project. I used the 12 sequential images of the second step as drawing practice and individual possible scenes of a story which was then in-progress. For example, one of my drawings featured the "Broccoli Brains" character (which I named Jack) getting shot, which completely splatters his brains into plentiful chunks of "viscera". I wanted to include that scene in the story if the character were to be killed before achieving the final step of the parasitic transformation, however, in the end I decided to leave that out as I considered it to be a story without an appropriate culmination - one with no pizzazz. In terms of drawing practice, I drew several of the scenes in my sketchbook as to see whether they fit, and whether the imagery is correct for serving as the key-frame.

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