Wednesday 2 December 2015

Set, Series, Sequence: Pastel Style

Now for coloring I used a new tool: pastel. Rarely have I ever colored with pastel (maybe in Elementary and Middle School?), but I had forgotten the wonders it can bring. Pastel is perfect for smudges and creating gradients of color, which is exactly why I chose this element for several drawings. Because pastel cannot define outlines (well, the light colored pastels), I only used them for coloring by following the shapes I had created with pencil. After laying down the colors, I used my fingers to smudge the residue left on the paper, either to create a gradation effect or to blur the colors, with the soul purpose of removing visible rough texture (as is the case with watercolor). However, only pastel was not enough, because it looked like a bunch of patterns inarticulately mixed together. Thus, after the color was put, I outlined the shapes and forms with an ink pen to add contour to the composition. Overall, it turned out successful, and I am glad that this project was assigned because now I'm trying out different ways of drawing which could be applied in traditional animation in the future.

This is one of my pastel drawings, named "Broccoli Forest". In it, due to the outlining of pastel, the broccoli seem to have an outer glow, adding the notion that they are haunted. Emphasis is placed on the color and absence of it rather than on the outlines of the shapes.

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