Monday 7 December 2015

Set, Series, Sequence: Character Design

"Frustrated Broccoli Chef"
When it comes to character design, I personally prefer creating and drawing characters using an ink-pen, because it calls for accuracy in portraying facial detail and body shape. In compliance to this project, along with my initial ideas, I created several characters associated with broccoli, be they of a "broccoli-kin" race or just connected with the plant in some way. However, I also tried creating a character using charcoal, which can be prominently used for the application of shadowing (most commonly used for the emphasis of facial contours). In both cases, the characters I created relayed emotion effectively, appeared to have "life-like" facial expressions, and were in compliance to Solid Drawing, one of the 12 Principles of Animation. Sequentially, the creation of one character fueled my ideas for the next one, the first one being "Frustrated Broccoli Chef" (which was the initial idea of a broccoli character's cartoonish profile, written in my sketchbook), followed by "Broccoli's Hair", etc. Luckily, this project assisted me in developing my animation skills in terms of character design, something I had found quite difficult in the past due to misunderstanding of relaying emotions through expression.

"Broccoli's Hair"
"Broccoli Flawless"

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