Wednesday 21 March 2018

YCN: Action on Hearing Loss - Production and Finalization

The animation process lasted a rigorous three days with several tests for good measure. The armatures and perforated steel proved to be quite a useful asset in assisting us with composure, for the puppets were static as we wanted them to be. Once the animating was done, I began the post-production work of assembling the film as well as creating the soundscape. Samuel Grey's ambience soundtrack helped loads with the timing of the animation, as we felt that it progressed too fast instead of lingering enough to sink the motif into the heads of the audience. The manipulation of sound added greatly to the visceral punch of the motif as the preceding silence stands out by doing the exact opposite - omission gives the impression of an empty "unfinished" film. Furthermore, this is even more so highlighted by the simple yet fortitudinous statement at the end of the animation - "deafness is a lonely place to be" with the lack of vivid color and abundance of darkness. To tie everything together, Stacy created a poster that would interjectionally start a hashtag campaign or movement - #highfiveforaction - assisting the dissemination of hearing loss awareness and educating the community through the macrocosmos that is social networking. Overall, I am quite proud of this animation. Quite disappointed that there was not much of a choice in-between briefs for an animated response, which is what we wanted our portfolio to consist of. However, it was good practice for 24fps stop-motion and how to time slow vs. fast-paced movement.

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