Friday 16 March 2018

Extended Practice: Storyboards and Animatic

With the consideration that my animation is quite rigorous and arduous to make (alongside lip syncing), I have decided to make highly detailed storyboards in order to visualize every scene separately. Furthermore, when animating the brisk and short scenes I will use the respective panel to draw the main key frame governing said scene in order to speed up the work process and save time. In terms of the animatic, I dubbed it unnecessary considering I am working on my own as well as the limited time I have to animate. The scenes perfectly adhere to the script in order to eliminate any possible confusion when animating and snipping pieces of the voices to match with the number of frames per scene. I figured, while experimenting and testing my method of lip syncing, that the length of the voice(s) per shot would be the length of the animation for said shot itself, effectively enabling me to mathematically lip sync without any necessity for tedious testing (other than the first test).

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