Wednesday 7 March 2018

YCN: Action on Hearing Loss - Pre-Production

Since the brief emphasizes the building of our professional portfolio, I found it more substantial to choose a live brief for which an animation can be made. Collaborating with Stacy Straub, we picked the YCN brief Action on Hearing Loss because of its altruistic nature and video-requiring platform. Initially, the treatment of the animation was much more complicated (as outlined by figures 1 and 2), and because we felt that simplicity would derive a more powerful punch, we then simplified and shortened the story (as outlined by figures 3 - 6). We divided the proposed workload equally to meet our individual set of skills - I am mainly doing the digital work (post-production, 2D animation, storyboards) alongside animating, with Samuel Gray (music student) creating the soundscape for the ambient. We worked on the puppets together, her creating the armatures and me molding the clay on top, whereas we are both going to animate together considering there will be multiple characters moving at the same time. Based on the median of the very first clay models we made for reference, we chose the size of the claymen to be 15 centimeters in height in order to make the best use of the aluminium wire armature and non-polarized bolts for balance (with a magnetized perforated steel floor underneath the set).
Figure 1

Figure 2
Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6
Figure 7 - Fully done puppets 

Figure 8 - First armature and measuring schematic

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