Sunday 12 February 2017

Applied Animation 2 - Week 2

During this week the structurization and concrete formulation of our idea was underway. In comparison with the last collaborative module, me and Luca decided that we are to formally and professionally pace ourselves and manage our time in order to avoid time management going against us seeing as we have other active modules underway. Furthermore, we thought that a schedule will help us scope and model the animation so that we work equally and with a constant rapid intensity instead of clustering it amongst the final days. However, before we did this, we presented to each other our brainstormed ramblings of ideas regarding all 4 themes, and after a thorough in-depth delving into the theme of science we agreed to do theories of the multiverse as our animation. The reason it took as quite some time was that we were constantly laying topics on the table but kept scrapping them until we found something that we BOTH wanted to do in order to keep our intrinsic motives true. Nevertheless, right after we decided, we sat down officially for the first time together in order to mix some ideas as to HOW and WHAT the animated documentary will connote - to put things into perspective. Merging every little piece of creativity that came to us, we formed the general treatment of the animation: introductory narration into the premise by a main character that has an omnipotent grasp of the multiverse, explaining all 9 types of the multiverse theories by Brian Greene through his scientific minions, followed by a comparison of the three most probable types: cyclic, ultimate, and quantum. During the end of the animation we will include links to Brian Greene's website for more information and reference to our research so that the animation may simulate that Kurzgesagt feel of immersive documentaries. In terms of visual elements we have the minions, the main character, the transitioning of an exploding beaker into forming the particles for each type of universe and an establishing zooming out of the Earth into the scope of the observable universe. Based on our schedule, next week is going to consist of the full script of the animation, beginning of the storyboard and initial character and background designs.

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