Sunday 19 February 2017

Applied Animation 2 - Week 3

During this week I started doing the practical pre-production of our documentary. Initially, I wanted to visualize the tone and atmosphere of the animation by drafting the narrative, how the documentary is going to progress, as well as the leading characters that shall take the role of speakers and lecturers. The beginning was weaved with me an Luca discussing and writing down the general key points that the animation is to go through, which I then concocted into a draft narrative. We agreed that we are to do as much individual work this week during Luca's departure to Italy so that we may then fuse both our ideas (mainly about characters and details on the animation's didactic nature) and designs once he returns in a coherent definitive piece. In order to make this much more tangible, I went on and alongside the character iterations made an initial storyboard so that we may have a rough point of reference during the modification process of the narrative, the consequential actions within the animation, as well as the points and examples to be brought up. Just so that I may fully round up the spirit of the animation I finalized my practical work for this week with a mood board, inclined towards giving a sci-fi taste to it. I believe that our number one priority on this animation is its comic nature that features the side characters (minions) in peril during most of the definition sketches as the nine types of the multiverse are being explained.

Narration - Initial Draft
As the years have driven the evolution of the homosapiens’ mind, so have they increased our desire to broaden our horizons and discover what is beyond the scope of our natural visibility and comprehension. Luckily, the developmental means of science have allowed us to develop a myriad of methods through which we objectively deduct the mystery from our surrounding realm and instead imbue it with a logical understanding that has ultimately shaped the lifestyle that we now embrace. However, the further the periphery grows the more difficult it is to unveil its cryptic demeanor, which is why the ultimately currently definite perspective of our existence is dubbed the observable universe. Human inquisitiveness has intoxicated the most of us into pondering what is there beyond the universe? Is there more to it or is that the dead end that enshrines the relative universe that you see before you in an inexplanatory darkness? Is there one universe or is it just a part of a grandiose conglomeration of several such universes? Based on the scientific method where hypotheses are the very derivative of how facts have been formed, string theorist Brian Greene has identified possible nine types of the multiverse in which a plethora of them interact with each other. First, there is the quilted multiverse which is based on the infinite expansion of the universe. With the never-ending scope of the universe every possible event that has occurred shall occur and indefinite and infinite number of times, however the speed of light prevents any such recordings of this phenomenon. Next is the inflationary universe that is bent on the eternal inflation scope of the universe where it is constantly expanding and the forming fields eventually collapse and form new universes. The brane multiverse that … The cyclic multiverse envisions universes in constant motion that eventually get caught in each other’s vortexes causing them to collide, forming new universes as their clash embodies a Big Bang. The landscape universe… The quantum universe functions like a dimensional possibility where every time a diversion in events occurs, a new universe is formed. The holographic universe propagates that any area of a space can simulate a universe, interconnecting with the notion of the microcosm. The simulated multiverse states that computer systems simulate entire universes, much like the Brain in The Vat theory. And lastly, the ultimate multiverse suggests that every universe in the multiverse exists within its own laws of physics completely adjacent to ours. Many of these hypothetical theories have been used in pop and sci-fi culture, such as a main part of the premise in Rick and Morty, however, remain neither disproven nor rectified for plenty of counter-arguments exist… For the time being, the mystery of the multiverse is yet to be fully solved, but maybe one day with superior technology we might rectify one of the types as satiate our knowledge-thirsty mind. For more visit - Brian Greene’s personal website.

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