Monday 12 October 2015

Identifying Storyboards 3: Hellboy 2

The format of the “Hellboy 2” storyboard is vertical, and every consequent shot descends upon it. Within the barriers of the panels action occurs and movement is signified with arrows. Furthermore, the arrows also elaborate on the camera’s movement; how the shots develop and sequentially transition. For an example, in the 35th panel, after Prince lands, the arrow states “Pan w/ Prince”, meaning that the camera moves along with the character, panning slowly as he moves, while right to the panel the language assists a minor action the character takes (in this case, dusting himself off). Thus, unlike the “Spider-Man 2” storyboard, this one does not use contour lines to suggest movement, but language instead in order to make the visual drawings more comprehensible. Language is the main tool which is used in this storyboard, and with its successful utilization, both dialogue and action is perfectly clear as it is intertwined with the arrows that shift between and within panels, along with the onomatopoeic elaboration on audio and sound effects.

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