Wednesday 14 October 2015

Identifying Animations 3: Coda

"Coda" is a multi award-winning 2D animation directed by Alan Holly. The animation is available on YouTube and has been prominently shared throughout the Internet. This animation tackles the value of life and death, as it displays an inebriated man getting lethally hit by a vehicle, which purges his soul into leaving the dead body only to be guided by Death through a visual journey. As the character's soul departs from the body, it heads off to the park and sits on a bench, where Death accompanies it. The character's soul has an expression on its face, while all the other people which are drinking, smoking, and vomiting throughout the city do not. This portrays the true essence of the human's soul, which is rarely visible as most people do not wish to display it. Furthermore, as Death transforms the soul into a new-born, guiding it through the beauty that surrounds the world (in correspondence to the character's requests), only then does the soul understand how a human takes his life for granted, treating it with negligence. Thus, as Death is ready to take away the life now lost, the soul continues to crave the majesty of life (which also depicts the insatiable human urges), as it now is slipping away into the abyss of non-existence. As the animation progresses, Death takes off the mask, revealing a motherly appearance, which portrays the element of reincarnation within the animation: all that is born shall die, then be reborn.

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