Thursday 22 October 2015

Animation Project: Pixilation Storyboard

Among the many projects we have (and will be assigned in the future) is the very first active attempt at making an animation using one of the dated techniques artist have utilized to make their own animations in the past. What I'm talking about is pixilation. Pixilation is a stop-motion technique where live actors are used as subjects for creating animations which are done by taking frame after frame. In a way, the actors mimic the effectiveness of puppets used for animation. For our project, incipiently, we were to devise a storyboard which would channel and develop our ideas into representations of what our pixilation animations are to look like. I personally chose to explore the concept of Predator VS. Prey (given the choice of 4 concepts which we are to explore), and am intertwining the relationship with the notion of The Food Chain, where the meek is prayed upon the strong, up until the formerly strong is considered meek and delectable by an even more vicious predator.

UPDATE: My animation has been finished and is uploaded on YouTube for entertainment and academic purposes.

"Consumed" -

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