Wednesday 14 October 2015

Identifying Animations 2: $100

"$100" is a stop-motion animation created by YouTuber "SpastikChuwawa". The animation displays a man who finds a hundred dollars on the floor and then ponders over what to use them for. After a while of ruminating about all the charity acts he could perform with the money, he chooses to buy a rocket-pack with which he flies away from the store he bought it in, producing smoke around the clerk which sold said rocket-pack. Although it is a short animation, it effectively portrays consumers' emacity for frivolous items instead of using the surplus money in their possession to help the needy. Furthermore, in a whimsical manner, the animation refers to the generally cynical approach consumers apply to modern-day existence. While the main character ruminates over all the generous acts he can perform with his money, the tone is dark and despairing, however, as an instant transition occurs between the thoughts and the action of the character purchasing his rocket pack, the song abruptly stops. This sudden change alludes to how minuscule these problems are in the minds of cynical consumers, which at times, even are perceived as inhumane.

"$100" by SpastikChuwawa -

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