Monday 12 October 2015

Identifying Animations 1: Der Fuehrer's Face

“Der Fuehrer’s Face” is a political propaganda animation produced by Walt Disney Productions and released in 1943. The animation had been aimed at the masses of America during World War II with an effort to sell war bonds and spread scorn towards the Nazi Party. Due to Walt Disney Productions’ reputation as a creator of children’s cartoons and the mass globalization of TV Units, the main message of the animation could easily be dispersed throughout the nation. The perception of the prevalent audience (children) and the intended audience (adults) of the animation had varied extremely, for to the children it appeared as yet another cartoonish adventure of Donald Duck, whilst to the adults the message became rampantly clear.
For example, at one point during the short animation Donald Duck (which is presented as a low-ranked Nazi soldier) experiences a plethora of hallucinations from the regime’s inhumane standards regarding the labor force. Furthermore, with the horrible conditions of Donald Duck under the Nazi doctrine, the malevolence of Nazi Germany’s dehumanizing principles is emphasized in order to effectively sell war bonds.

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