Wednesday 18 October 2017

Loop De Loop: Love is Love - Evaluation / Reflection / Finalization of Animation

Overall, I am extremely happy with my animation, although it pointed me towards the realization that I need more dynamics in my future animations - they lack 3D POVs. As I relied on the straight-ahead technique I gained ideas as I animated, effectively challenging my creative skills. I added the razor scene instead of razors coming out of the heart as in my sketchbooks, omitted the dogs (because of their irrelevance), added the flags at the end, and while compositing, added the black waves on the first and last third of the shot (for aesthetics). I am happy that I can draw simply but still create a full space within an animation. Although I submitted the animation for LoopDeLoop, they asked for me to enable the download video option which Vimeo has now monetized for use - might pay 5 pounds just for a monthly subscription for the screening. This animation wasn't as quick as I thought it would be, and although it did not alter my schedule with other briefs it made me kick-up my hours work per day routine. This small little project was a great warm up for my final animation which might look at different ways of using the same brush tools.

Love is Love -

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