Monday 23 October 2017

Lifting Tower Project - Synthesis of Storyboards

Based on the individual ideas Stacy and I had annotated, we merged them together to form coherent storyboards that we are to use for the idea pitch on the 24th of October. We made three storyboard ideas that fused what I had to present and what Stacy had. For example, one of the ideas features my idea of ornaments spinning radially to form a wreath and Stacy's concept of radial Christmas items like the Christmas pudding and the snowflake. I feel this added variety to the overall idea considering I had not even though about a snowflake and did not know (until now) what a Christmas pudding is. Alongside this, in order to conceptualize the spirit of Christmas that we want to capture, we created color palettes with the dominant colors that we are to use for the animations. Everything is amenable for the time being up until we start animation, so the color palette as well as details of the ideas might change. Once Jimmy supplies us with constructive criticism and decides upon which one we are to do (or which two), we will create an accurate and detailed storyboard so that we do not drift astray when we are to animate - to establish consistency.

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