Thursday 19 October 2017

Lifting Tower Project - Individual Generation of Ideas

In accordance to the suggested sequence of dates versus development, I have devised on a timetable in order to tackle the project without losing time for other inbound briefs as well. I have teamed up with Stacy Straub considering that most of the illustrators did not express an interest in what seems to be an optional task for them. Stacy and I sat down together and decided on the gameplan, the first step being the individual generation of ideas that we will then discuss once laid down on paper and pick the best one(s) that we are to make a storyboard of and pitch. My ideas revolve around a simple progression of visual narrativeless manifestations. Keeping it simple, they will revolve around simple vividly colored graphics. Once Stacy and I meet up, we might mix and match the ideas we have and create and fortify a bigger idea, since mine are only concepts in thumbnails. I constructed the simple ideas using the key visual tropes that I saw recurring on the lst year's lifting tower projection, and wanted mine to reflect the spirit of Christmas into the hearts of every single passer by.

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