Wednesday 26 October 2016

Responsive - Explorations and Decisions - Loop de Loop

For one of the responsive live briefs, I have chosen to do Loop de Loop's Breakfast theme hence I got a brainstorm of ideas once I sat down and thoroughly thought about the module. As I mentioned before, I would like to attempt working within a cyclical timeline hence I've seen many brilliant small but nifty animations that embrace the power of looping. Furthermore, seeing as I used plenty of looping movie clips as animation assets when working on The Other Side in Flash, I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to build upon what I already know. Another thing that intrigued me about this brief was the opportunity for comedy within it, since I have a natural low tone atmospheric fabrication of ideas when presented with a classic story-driven, expressive timeline. In other words, whenever I get an animation brief I tend to drench it in symbolism and connotative messages, instead of just focusing on pure comedy and whimsicality that fuels stylistic experimentation. Initially, as I tackle all my ideas, I made a mind map of everything that came to mind. The main concept that resonated in my mind was the anthropomorphism of the ingredients (eggs, bacon, etc) that constitute a breakfast, which calls for all sorts of frivolous but quick character designs and behaviors that will facilitate comedy. I also thought about the medium of animation and its effect, judging that stop-motion or watercolor animation (which is something I might try to experiment with for another Responsive brief) would give off a different tone. Furthermore, if it is to be a perfect loop, no music must be used in order for not overlapping - I want it to have the smoothest transition. Lastly, I can use the properties of the ingredients to make gory humor (example: blood is tomato's juice). Taking all of this into consideration, I jotted down thumbnails of the ideas that came to mind, one of which I shall take and fully develop to eliminate all possible mistakes.


1. Static pan, bacon gets tossed in the pan, sizzles and screams since it is anthropomorphic. Once it is cooked, it is pulled out, oil is poured in the pan, and the animation loops.

2. A head with an opened mouth is placed horizontally where the character punches all the non-breakfast associated foodstuffs away as a load of food is falling in his mouth.

3. Sizzling pan with a piece of bacon and tomato, egg jumps and performs a stunt before breaking mid-air and landing on the pan. Process is repeated where the egg misses the pan, hits the grip, and tumbles over the pan. To initiate the loop, another pan is placed and another piece of bacon and tomato is thrown in.

4. A bread loaf stands dormant, ingredients are thrown in (cheese, lettuce, ham) and the final piece of bread is punched on the sandwich. Sandwich is then taken away, a new loaf is placed, loop repeats.

Page 2 of thumbnailed ideas

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