Thursday 20 October 2016

Responsive - Exploration and Decisions 1

Lip Sync from my animation "The Other Side" - needs improvement
With the proper green-light beginning of the Responsive module, I immediately started exploring the range of briefs offered by a myriad of creative-based websites and organizations. Considering that time is of the essence as every brief has its own independent deadline (promoting a practice of professional time management), I initially searched for the live deadlines of most of the briefs from THIS day. Wanting to lay out the intensity of every brief, I took into account the time necessary (based on speculation) for the completion of a full brief. I believe that I will stick to the animation briefs because of two reasons: animation briefs would be excellent practice much more relevant to my own since I've already been doing illustrations and photography independently for album covers etc., and because I am not that experienced with illustration in order to be competent with the illustrators that will be tackling the briefs. However, I'm not keeping myself limited. My professional practice involves structuring of work load in order to balance it out with the time I possess (time management), thus I've settled on doing one major and two or more minor projects - the more the merrier.


Loop de Loop
I was particularly interested in Loop de Loop due to the fact that I take pride in the creation of the perfect and smooth flow of animation, in an OCD manner. With this brief I am given a lot of freedom in terms of media and it poses a distinct challenge: make a perfect loop. This will make me focus a lot more on pre-production and frame consideration hence the last and first frame MUST blend together in the same manner as all previous ones will. Furthermore, without the limitations of this brief, I can embrace the whimsicality behind animation and make it as "wacky" as possible. Even so, it will give me further practice in traditional but digital animation which is what I want to explore and develop further since I haven't done much of it.

11 Second Club
This brief is PERFECT for practicing lip syncing with animation, something I need to practice well. Unfortunately, this month's competition is more than half done, which is why I will be entering next month's. Even more-so, the stars have aligned for time management purposes as if I focus on Loop de Loop or Full Secs now, I will begin just in time for the 11 Second Club brief of November.

Full Secs
A frivolous one second animation - wonderful for starting Responsive off, one small step at a time. This will help me stimulate my idea generation hence the limit being the length of the animation will assist me in trying to get the message across in a minimalistic way. Considering that it is to be one second, the titles should enhance the story (judging by the Full Secs animations I've seen displayed on their website) which will be proper practice of the skill of narration through a visually stimulating approach.

Do It In Ten
A very interesting and challenging brief, however, due to it ending early November (giving me a lack of reasonable time to do it) I might be considering next one. Having in mind that this would require decent planning and effort, I would align it with 11 Second Club in terms of intensity. In other words, as my more fundamental project for this first brief I would either pick this or the 11 Second Club brief. This more major animation brief would be fit for time management as well as exploration of style (hence the competitive vibe it is giving off is motivating me into being eclectic for this module). Nevertheless, I will get back to this consideration once the next month begins.

These three are the main considerations I have for more modest briefs, whereas I am going to look at the fresh, live DNAD briefs and see whether their intensity can match individual work, marking it a major brief instead of perhaps 11 Second Club or Do It In Ten.

"Full Secs" - minor brief in consideration

"Loop de Loop" - minor brief in consideration

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