Tuesday 11 April 2017

Applied Animation 2 - Week 10

As Easter ensues and all the holidays clutch down my obligations with frivolous festivities, I have managed to follow my Gantt chart schedule and get on with my work, respectfully considering the synthesis me and Luca are to partake in once we come back for our final semi-semester. I have been progressing with my character animation one step at a time, thoroughly considering how I am to do each and every scene and if it is possible to recycle some of my already-created designs and to-be-done movements, much like Disney have throughout the ages with their 2D princesses. For now, I have only animated the minion's movement for when he is electrocuted by Zap and the loop of his jetpack escape from the Quilted multiverse. I believe that the animation for my minion getting electrocuted is one of the fewest which will require a tedious yet deliberate frame-by-frame so that it may contemplate the rapid shift of the course of events. Since the animation is going to be 24 frames per second such a quick transition would add to the sudden comical effect of smooth movement. As for the jetpack, I needed not animate it frame by frame much like many other situations with my character where I can loop frames or reuse and alter some through duik (for example when he is to wave before getting electrocuted) in order to preserve the effect of the line boil.

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