Wednesday 9 May 2018

Extended Practice: Division of Final Piece Into Acts

First sequence of Second act - outro to animation
My animation "Pact" has turned out to be way too lengthy for a whole submission. Thus, I have divided it into several parts based on the number of acts within the script. After the crit session on the 3rd of May where I presented the animated first act, both the tutors and my peers came to the conclusion that it on its own is a self-contained film, fit for submission, and hitting right below the 3 minute mark of the module's expectation. Luckily enough, most of the animation that I did belonged to the first act and with this I successfully compiled a comprehensible piece of film. Reflecting on my practice and methods, had I made a rough animatic this would have been predicted earlier, thus preventing me from animating scenes beyond the first act (as I have, evidenced by the progress storyboard blog post). I believe that splitting the animation into pieces would also be beneficial if by any chance I pitch my animation to a network - without the ultimate death of the remaining 3 characters there is a chance to build up upon the introduction of the pact and Robert dying. Perhaps, as an example, the spirit of Robert lives within the skull and speaks to and assists the characters that are currently in possession of the ash-tray, calling for an interesting premise for an animated series. Nonetheless, I will finish the remaining acts once the first one has been completely finished and ready for festivals since even by the off-chance that it gets accepted in a future pitch, I would love to make my own trilogy of small films hence all my animations before have been single stories without parts.

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