Friday 10 November 2017

Lifting Tower Project - Mock-Ups of Ideas and Initial Animating

In order to thoroughly visualize the ideas that we presented to Jimmy we were given a task to create mock-ups of how they would look on the actual lifting tower. Since our ideas are quite abstract and don't have any complicated layouts, we decided that the only thing worth testing out are the colors and their interaction with the wall along with our drawing styles. This would give Jimmy the perspective of seeing whether our color palette works and whether our designs are too detailed or not.
We were instructed to remove or replace every instance where a brown color would be used and instead either fill it with another color or just leave it blank since the color would not be projected well.

UPDATE: We have started animating with AE. As of now, we have finished the overlaying animation and are focusing on the finesse of the movement, utilizing the window into the animation, and improving the smooth flow of motion.

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