Monday 2 May 2016

A Tale In The Sting: Finished Project

The animation has been finished. Overall, I must say, I am exceptionally satisfied with it as it managed to fool almost all of the people I sent it to into thinking that there IS going to be an actual movie for it whereas this is only the title sequence. However, I created two versions of the same animation, one which is 34 seconds long with an extended finish and display of end title, and the 30 seconds one - fit for the submission of the module. The reason I did this was because the 34 seconds one was appealing as well hence the title perfectly sits in the last third of the screen right after the island fades away, creating a dramatic finish. Nevertheless, one must work within the boundaries of their commission leader, as is the practice of this module. I never expected post-2D animation to turn out so well in stop-motion within my abilities and skills, but I am so compelled that I tried and managed to break the ice; I'll be using this technique for future animations to come.

"Waiting for Godot" -

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